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GPONDoctor (GPON Test)













GPONDoctor是GPON節點,ONT和OLT的有效分析工具,可確認和診斷GPON系統的故障問題,可捕捉上行和下行流量,從OAM, PLOAM,OMCI以及DBA等獲取信息,確認GPON拓樸結構和ONT,OLT的狀態,並通過和設備的通信確認故障和互聯問題。其GPON Tester含攜帶型的OLT Emulator和GPON-Tester,可產生上下行流量協助營運商的GPON網路布建、新用戶上線、及營運維護。

  • GPONDoctor 8000 (GPON Protocol分析儀 & OLT模擬器)
    GPONDoctor™ is an “all in a box” GPON (Gigabit capable Passive Optical Network) based FTTH (Fibre To The Home) protocol sniffer, analyzer and OLT emulator, able to be connected to any location within any GPON ODN (Optical Distribution Network) and capture downstream and upstream bit-level information. It interprets all control and management information (OAM, PLOAM and OMCI), while providing real time upper layers traffic extraction. Being portable and fully oriented for interoperability tests it is a perfect tool for GPON Equipment Vendors and Telcos in GPON deployment/ turn-up/ troubleshooting phases.
  • GPONDoctor 4000 (GPON Protocol分析儀 & OLT模擬器)
    GPONDoctor™ is an “all in a box” GPON (Gigabit capable Passive Optical Network) based FTTH (Fibre To The Home) protocol sniffer, analyzer and OLT emulator, able to be connected to any location within any GPON ODN (Optical Distribution Network) and capture downstream and upstream bit-level information. It interprets all control and management information (OAM, PLOAM and OMCI), while providing real time upper layers traffic extraction. Being portable and fully oriented for interoperability tests it is a perfect tool for GPON Equipment Vendors and Telcos in GPON deployment/ turn-up/ troubleshooting phases.
  • GPONDoctor 2000 (GPON Protocol分析儀)
    GPONDoctor™ 2000 is a passive, chipset-less GPON FTTH protocol sniffer and analyser. Connected to any location within your PON distribution network (ODN), will capture downstream and upstream bit-level information. Provides a fast and easy to understood analysis of the GTC layer: OAM, PLOAM, and OMCI. GPONDoctor™ 2000 is a perfect tool for standards conformance compliance, network monitoring and troubleshooting. Ideal for test-labs and field application engineers engaged in GPON deployment and maintenance as well as for GPON OLT/ONUs manufacturers.
  • GPONDoctor™ OLT-e (GPON OLT模擬器)
    GPONDoctor™ OLT-e is an FTTH GPON OLT emulator, behaves like a normal OLT and as such is the termination point of the PON. It is connected to the ODN (Optical Distribution Network). The ONTs are connected to the other end of the ODN. A simple case can be an ODN consisting is just an optical fiber with the OLT emulator in one side and an ONU/ONT on the other side
    GPONDoctor™ OLT-e is mainly oriented for ONT/ONU conformance and network interoperability tests, being a perfect tool for lab application engineers engaged in GPON pre-deployment phase as well as for GPON network elements vendors.
    ONUs manufacturing /auditing . GPONDoctor™ OLT-e is the perfect tool to test ONUs during the production chain, as well as for auditing the ONUs replaced within customers’ premises.
    As OLT emulator, it is completely flexible, allowing to configure as many different provisioning models as desired. OMCI messages can be sent individually or grouping several of them in scripts.
  • GPONDoctor IPTV-Probe
    GPON IPTV Probe是IPTV協議棧分析儀,能夠測量在GPON光纖網絡上廣播的視頻流服務的QoE(體驗質量)。一些參數是可以即時被測量和監控的,例如MDI,RFC-4445或者RFC-3357,並且可以同時監測和IPTV服務相關的的GPON協議參數。而所有可能會影響到IPTV服務質量下降的事件情況也都會向網絡管理系統報告。
    GPON IPTV Probe is an IPTV protocol stack analyzer capable of measuring the quality of experience (QoE) of video streaming services broadcasted via optical fiber networks. Parameters such as MDI, RFC-4445 or RFC-3357 are measured and monitored in real time, while simultenously monitoring GPON protocol parameters related to the IPTV service provisioning. All events that could impact to an IPTV service degradation are reported to the Network Management System. The GPON IPTV probe has been developed in collaboration with TELNET-ri company.
  • GPON Tester +
    GPON Tester + is an integral solution for PON certification. It allows the validation and certification of a GPON network in deployment or already installed by in field technicians or installers. GPON Tester + has the capacity to reshape 1490 and 1310nm GPON optical signals so that its presence in the PON do not introduce any additional attenuation and the OLT and ONU could communicate as if the tester is not present.