網站連結: https://www.spirent.com/products/avalanche-security-testing
Spirent思博倫的Avalanche為第4至7層的解決方案,可以生成1-100+ Gbps的流量,對網絡基礎設施、雲和虛擬環境、Web應用基礎設施和媒體服務執行功能、容量和性能測試。它可以幫助您的團隊驗證極其廣泛的眾多用例所具備的服務質量(QoS)和體驗質量(QoE)。
Spirent Avalanche提供真實網路應用層效能測試,支援多種協定如HTTP、SSL、FTP、Mail、DNS、Video、SIP、IPSec、802.1x、Radius、P2P、DDoS、Attack、Storage..等,可測試真實網路和伺服器。Avalanche Virtual 提供虛擬機效能及安全性測試來應付雲端運算的測試解決方案。Avalanche Next是強大的測試方案,綜合Avalanche和Studio的功能,簡單易用更快地完成測試。Avalanche 可以為網路基礎設施、Web應用基礎設施和三重播放服務提供數萬兆的容量、安全性和性能測試,為您的客戶提供服務品質(QoS)和體驗品質(QoE)方面的切實保障。
Application Performance Testing Solution
Spirent's Avalanche Layer 4-7 testing solution provides capacity and performance testing for network devices and solutions, cloudand virtual environments, Web application infrastructures and media services that ensures Quality of Service (QoS) and Qualityof Experience (QoE) for your customers. Avalanche pinpoints network capacity with the highest performing Layer 4-7 trafficgeneration capability available from 1Gbps to >100Gbps. Avalanche allows your testing environment to stay current. It is the firstsolution to offer full client and server HTTP/3 testing support for next generation web testing use cases.
• Network Performance Testing
• Web Application Testing
• Latest application testing with HTTP/2 and HTTP/3support
• Advanced high-capacity HTTPS cryptographic loadtesting
• Media Testing• Cloud and Virtual Network Testing
• SSL VPN and IPSec Testing
Features & Benefits
Over 100Gbps of Stateful Traffic Generation
—SpirentAvalanche provides the capability to generate stateful trafficfrom 1Gbps to multi 100Gbps rates via native interfaces forscale and performance testing for the most demanding ofenvironments. Multiple systems can be used in a single testcreating vast amounts of application traffic.
Flexible Load Profile
—Spirent Avalanche’s flexible loadprofile offers testers the flexibility to specify load variablessuch as connections per second, concurrent connections,transactions per second, new user sessions per second andconcurrent users.
Real-Time Statistics
—Spirent Avalanche offers real-timestatistics across all protocols and a reporting tool that makesanalyzing results faster and easier.
Network Devices Performance Testing
—Spirent Avalancheprovides performance and capacity testing on a varietyof network devices including: Firewall, Virtual Devices,Application Firewall, Load Balancer, Cache, Proxy, URL Filter,Content Filter, SD-WAN, SASE, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware,Reverse-Proxy, HTTP/HTTPS Accelerator, SMTP Relay, IDS/IPS, IPSec VPN Gateways, OpenConnect supported SSL VPN,and more.
Application Server Performance Testing
—Spirent Avalanchecan validate performance of several types of real servicesincluding: Web, Application, Mail, DHCP, FTP, DNS, Telnet,RTSP/RTP QuickTime Streaming, Multicast, HTTP AdaptiveBitrate Streaming, and more.
Media Testing
—Spirent Avalanche performs media testingand service verification from the user’s point of view withrealistic voice calling, HTTP Adaptive Bitrate streaming,unicast and multicast streaming video, and simulates Internetdata traffic using static IP address or IP address assignmentby DHCP over PPPoE, VLAN and Stacked VLANs (e.g., Q-in-Q).
Web Application Testing
—Spirent Avalanche performsWeb application testing including: Web services, ERP andCRM applications with Spirent Avalanche’s applicationtesting capability to support cookie, session ID, dynamiclink, automatic follow redirect, additional header, contentvalidation, SOAP message, think time, variable think time andvariable assignment.
Cryptographic Load Testing
—Spirent Avalanche providesextensive functional and performance testing for securenetwork communication, and user authentication including:IPSec, HTTPS/TLS (including TLSv1.3), DNSSEC, DNS over TLS,SSL VPN, 802.1x, Network Access Control (NAC), RADIUS andcustom user imported traffic over TLS.
—Spirent Avalanche supports tunnel setup anddata traffic throughput capacity testing over a growingset of OpenConnect compatible SSL VPN versions. Createcomprehensive scale and accuracy tests with full control overdata plane traffic profiles.
Avalanche Virtual
—is a software solution based on theindustry-leading Spirent Avalanche platform that tests andstresses virtualized data center environments. It offers bothEnterprise and Cloud Service Providers an unparalleledopportunity to correlate the impact of large-scale cloud-based application deployments by creating real-world useremulation and traffic generation directly in the cloud.
Spirent C1 for Avalanche (Avalanche C1 測試設備)
The Spirent C1 offers the power of Spirent's award-winning Layer 2-7 router, switch, applications and security test solutions in a portable form factor. With support for line-rate 1 GE or 10GE test ports and the complete suite of Spirent test solutions, the C1 offers the power of a professional test tool at an affordable price point. The Spirent C1 supports Spirent TestCenter™ and Avalanche Commander™. -
Spirent C100 for Avalanche (Avalanche C100 測試設備)
The Spirent C100-S3-MP for Avalanche provides options for 1Gbps, 10Gbps, and Native 100Gbps of capacity, security and performance testing for network infrastructures, Web application infrastructures and Triple Play services ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) for your customers. The C100-S3-MP is compatible with both Avalanche NEXT and Avalanche Commander giving you the most versatility in a Layer 4-7 testing solution.